Advent Word of the Day - Mighty

I struggled with this word today. I repeated it so often in my mind that it has started to lose meaning. I looked up the multiple definitions of the word, searched the scripture, perused a commentary or two, and then while I was typing my computer turned itself off and I had nothing. I lost it all.
So here's what I know in the wee hours of the night.
We follow and serve a mighty God. Full stop. Not a domineering and wrathful God, but a God so mighty we don't have enough good descriptive words to truly describe all that God is.
Yet, during this season of Advent we are reminded that our God chose, for a moment in time, to become like us. God chose to be born, to thirst and to hunger, to labor, to feel joy like we feel joy and feel pain like we feel pain. 
We don't experience God's might through dominance, judgement, and anger. Instead we experience God's might through the vulnerability of a child and that child grew to teach us that there is overwhelming power and strength in mercy, grace, justice, kindness, and love. Especially love. Radical, unconditional, mighty love.
"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

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