May 19th, 2023

Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him. Psalm 127:3
One thing I love about working with children is the sparkle and joy that they so often naturally have! The carefree attitude comes with such innocence and makes me think back to when I was a child and oblivious to the heaviness that comes with adulting. Their world is simple, and they typically have all their needs met without even a thought. Yet I am reminded God wants the same for us. We are His child, and He goes before us, He will provide our every need.
One of my absolute favorite parts of my daily routine is greeting the parents and kiddos at the door each morning. It’s a short encounter, but it fills my cup to see the students running in with excitement for school and to show me their new fast shoes, the show and tell they brought, or a sparkly unicorn dress, the list goes on and on as you can imagine. None the less, I love how they find joy in the small things and see the beauty of each new day. I often think, to be a kid again…wouldn’t that be glorious. Throughout my years, I have said time and time again, God teaches, grows me in my faith, challenges me to be better than the day before through this ministry and the kids. They are my daily reminder that we are to enjoy each day, be excited for the adventure that awaits, and have an unguarded heart that helps us to love others well.
As the school year at The Learning Tree is coming to the end I am full of mixed emotions, I’m thankful for the relationships, time, and many conversations had with our families and sad to see students move on to Kindergarten, military families move, and for this chapter to end but there is also an excitement and peace knowing God’s plan and purpose was fulfilled this year, I am honored to be a part of it. I pray when they think back to their preschool years, they remember the love that was poured into their families while they were here.
One thing I love about working with children is the sparkle and joy that they so often naturally have! The carefree attitude comes with such innocence and makes me think back to when I was a child and oblivious to the heaviness that comes with adulting. Their world is simple, and they typically have all their needs met without even a thought. Yet I am reminded God wants the same for us. We are His child, and He goes before us, He will provide our every need.
One of my absolute favorite parts of my daily routine is greeting the parents and kiddos at the door each morning. It’s a short encounter, but it fills my cup to see the students running in with excitement for school and to show me their new fast shoes, the show and tell they brought, or a sparkly unicorn dress, the list goes on and on as you can imagine. None the less, I love how they find joy in the small things and see the beauty of each new day. I often think, to be a kid again…wouldn’t that be glorious. Throughout my years, I have said time and time again, God teaches, grows me in my faith, challenges me to be better than the day before through this ministry and the kids. They are my daily reminder that we are to enjoy each day, be excited for the adventure that awaits, and have an unguarded heart that helps us to love others well.
As the school year at The Learning Tree is coming to the end I am full of mixed emotions, I’m thankful for the relationships, time, and many conversations had with our families and sad to see students move on to Kindergarten, military families move, and for this chapter to end but there is also an excitement and peace knowing God’s plan and purpose was fulfilled this year, I am honored to be a part of it. I pray when they think back to their preschool years, they remember the love that was poured into their families while they were here.
Advent Word of the Day - IntroAdvent Word of the Day - TenderlyAdvent Word of the Day - PrepareAdvent Word of the Day - GloryAdvent Word of the Day - RevealedAdvent Word of the Day - VoiceAdvent Word of the Day - MightyAdvent Word of the Day - CarryAdvent Word of the Day - NewsAdvent Word of the Day - ReleaseAdvent Word of the Day - ComfortAdvent Word of the Day - ProvideAdvent Word of the Day - Joy
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