Sitting At His Feet

Sitting at His Feet

Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8

Have you ever been caught up in the presence of God, like times you don’t want the song to come to an end?  Your heart and mind are solely focused on Him, and you simply want to freeze time because His presence is so evident and overwhelming, you are in awe. There is no comparison to that feeling. I cannot adequately put that feeling into words, but it stops you in your tracks in the best way. With confidence, you know God is meeting you right where you are in that moment. If you have had this happen, and I pray you have, it’s a feeling you never forget and always desire to have again and again.

I believe God is constantly there, yet we are too busy both in a physical sense and mentally with our thoughts racing to the next thing, and in turn we rob ourselves of those special moments with our heavenly Father.  I am so guilty of this myself.  I have been thinking of those special “at the feet of Jesus” moments in my life lately, where God has felt so close, I could almost physically feel Him by my side and sadly thought, why they are these times so few and far between?  It always comes back to one thing…me and how diligently I am seeking His face.  I am challenged to spend more time being still and seeking His presence more and I pray you are too.  I promise, in His presence is the best place to be.

Heather Hernandez  

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