Peace in His Presence

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

I have spent half my life seeking after a lot of different things.  Seeking out a godly husband, seeking out ways to lose weight and still eat good tasting food, seeking parenting tips and tricks, seeking out the perfect job.  The list is endless.  We are constantly seeking something. Reading this verse, I am reminded of all the goodness and peace that comes from seeking out and keeping my focus on my heavenly Father.  There is nothing more precious than seeking him and finding His peace in a time of unsettledness, His strength made perfect in my weakness, or His still small voice when the world is so loud around us.  All these things can only truly happen when our focus is on Him and Him alone. It wasn’t until Peter took his gaze off God and looked at the waves crashing around him that he began to sink.  I, like Peter, am sometimes too busy watching the waves that I lose focus of the One who has the power to still the waters.  When they saw Jesus walking on the water, it states they were terrified and cried out in fear.  But Jesus comforts them immediately, “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid”. Have you ever been shaking in fear as a child or adult, and your Mom or Dad shows up and you immediately feel safe?  That is the picture in my mind but magnified by a million.  We are safe in His care no matter how big the waves.   Rest in His presence.

Heather Hernandez
Learning Tree Director

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