Thank You

Thank you for the last 11 years! I’ve had so many great memories working at O’Fallon First UMC. In this time we have been through a lot together, but God has been so good through it all. I still remember joining the staff in 2012 and getting my feet wet in ministry. The first summer trip I ever took the youth group on was to North Carolina. This would be a staple in our student ministry for several years to come. Thank you for those memories! I remember getting to spend countless hours on campus at McKendree University meeting with and mentoring students. One of which was baptized at O’Fallon First. Thank you for those memories! I remember having all the youth leaders over to my house to train for the year ahead. Sometimes those teams were as big as 20 people. Thank you for those memories! I remember spending every Sunday night with our students and leaders having a ton of laughs and in-depth serious conversations. Thank you for those memories! I remember having difficult conversations and intense meetings about very important things. Thank you for those memories!
I have so much to be thankful for as I reflect on my time at O’Fallon First. However, I will share the two things I am most thankful for… First, you have provided me a place to grow in deeper passion and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Second, you have loved my family. These two things have helped shape me into who I am today. It is because these things that I can step out in faith with boldness and courage to pursue the ways God has called me. Thank you!

Pastor Brad Lewis

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