We never get too old to stop studying our faith. We can, and should, continue to learn new things everyday as we study our Bibles and discuss our faith. At O'Fallon First UMC we want to help you in your continued studies, and we offer a number of different classes to choose from every Sunday morning starting at 10:00 AM.
Sunday Morning
Sunday morning classes meet at 10AM right after the 9AM service.

Meets in room 118. This is a group that has formed to study and grow in their Christian journey. They study from different books on a variety of biblical topics. All are welcome!

Meets in 221A. “But seek first of all His kingdom and His righteousness, and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” Matthew 6:33 Seeking Him through -
· Studying Scripture
· Sharing
· Supporting each other through prayer, encouragement & help
Contact: Dave Roberts at d_roberts@charter.net or Bob Craddick at RCraddick@reliantcaremgmt.com
· Studying Scripture
· Sharing
· Supporting each other through prayer, encouragement & help
Contact: Dave Roberts at d_roberts@charter.net or Bob Craddick at RCraddick@reliantcaremgmt.com

Meets in rooms 220A. The Fellowship class is a long running class that meets and studies a variety of materials - bible study, video lessons, and book studies have all been a part of the spiritual growth in this class. For more information contact Linda Kahley at lkahley@gmail.com.
Throughout the Week
There are other studies and groups that meet throughout the week.

This group runs every week on Wednesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Meets in the church. For more information contact the church office.

Our "Prayer Force" group meets at 2 different times on Thursday, 6:30AM and 6:00PM. All are welcome. You don't have to worry about what to say because God just loves hearing from you. The prayers shared during this time are 100% confidential. If you would like more information, contact Carolyn Day day317@att.net

Meets at the church and in homes. This women's group meets once a month to share in fellowship, learn something new, and support different missions. For more information contact Susan Rogers sjrogers@sbcglobal.net