October 20th, 2023

Hidden Blessings
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” ~Mark 10:15-16
The first time I served in Children's Church, I left that morning feeling overjoyed, but I had no idea the huge impact that moment would have on my life to this day. There is something so uniquely special about seeing things through the eyes of children. When you see the moments that click for them, but they also click for you; something magical happens! The Lord was working on my heart that day and continues to do so every single day. But I look back at my time serving in children’s ministry as a volunteer and remember all the moments of growth I had because of those little hearts and minds. I was being called there for a reason, and the Lord knew my heart so desperately needed those opportunities.
You see, I was blessed by them, not the other way around. I was able to connect with my inner child whom I hadn’t in years. I had been in such a dark place for far too long that I didn’t even recognize myself. The bubbly, free-spirited, happy girl I once was had been crushed and shoved down inside me from all the hurt I was carrying. Serving on Sundays with those kiddos gave me a glimpse of my true self. An added blessing was being able to spend this time with my daughter. It was exhilarating for the both of us, and our faith grew together tremendously! Their innocence helped me to see God in a way I hadn’t before. All the anger, hurt, sadness, jadedness was slowly withering away, and my body was releasing all those toxins it had carried for so many years that were slowly eating me alive.
God saved me, those kiddos saved me, and that is why I was and am beyond blessed to be able to serve in Children’s Ministry. Fast forward to today, and I still get so excited, if not more, to be with my daughter and all the kids every Sunday to teach them about our Savior! We have fun!!! We laugh, holler, eat candy, and have some deep, age-appropriate conversations about our faith and what it means. Now, I would and will continue to do this every single Sunday because I truly love them, and the time spent with them. However, I want to give you the opportunity to be blessed in a way that could change your heart, mind, and soul! Consider serving on Sunday during the 11:00am service with our kids. It doesn’t have to be every week, it could be once a month! I promise you; it will be a blessing you didn’t know you needed if you open your heart and mind to what God has waiting for you. It is such a small commitment timewise, but the impact is HUGE!
Join me this Sunday, October 22nd right after church for some free lunch in the children’s room if you are interested in serving or finding more about Kids Min! If you can’t make it this Sunday, please email me at offumc4kids@offumc.org to set up a time for us to talk!
Peace and Hope,
Emily George, Director of Children and Family Ministry
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” ~Mark 10:15-16
The first time I served in Children's Church, I left that morning feeling overjoyed, but I had no idea the huge impact that moment would have on my life to this day. There is something so uniquely special about seeing things through the eyes of children. When you see the moments that click for them, but they also click for you; something magical happens! The Lord was working on my heart that day and continues to do so every single day. But I look back at my time serving in children’s ministry as a volunteer and remember all the moments of growth I had because of those little hearts and minds. I was being called there for a reason, and the Lord knew my heart so desperately needed those opportunities.
You see, I was blessed by them, not the other way around. I was able to connect with my inner child whom I hadn’t in years. I had been in such a dark place for far too long that I didn’t even recognize myself. The bubbly, free-spirited, happy girl I once was had been crushed and shoved down inside me from all the hurt I was carrying. Serving on Sundays with those kiddos gave me a glimpse of my true self. An added blessing was being able to spend this time with my daughter. It was exhilarating for the both of us, and our faith grew together tremendously! Their innocence helped me to see God in a way I hadn’t before. All the anger, hurt, sadness, jadedness was slowly withering away, and my body was releasing all those toxins it had carried for so many years that were slowly eating me alive.
God saved me, those kiddos saved me, and that is why I was and am beyond blessed to be able to serve in Children’s Ministry. Fast forward to today, and I still get so excited, if not more, to be with my daughter and all the kids every Sunday to teach them about our Savior! We have fun!!! We laugh, holler, eat candy, and have some deep, age-appropriate conversations about our faith and what it means. Now, I would and will continue to do this every single Sunday because I truly love them, and the time spent with them. However, I want to give you the opportunity to be blessed in a way that could change your heart, mind, and soul! Consider serving on Sunday during the 11:00am service with our kids. It doesn’t have to be every week, it could be once a month! I promise you; it will be a blessing you didn’t know you needed if you open your heart and mind to what God has waiting for you. It is such a small commitment timewise, but the impact is HUGE!
Join me this Sunday, October 22nd right after church for some free lunch in the children’s room if you are interested in serving or finding more about Kids Min! If you can’t make it this Sunday, please email me at offumc4kids@offumc.org to set up a time for us to talk!
Peace and Hope,
Emily George, Director of Children and Family Ministry
Advent Word of the Day - IntroAdvent Word of the Day - TenderlyAdvent Word of the Day - PrepareAdvent Word of the Day - GloryAdvent Word of the Day - RevealedAdvent Word of the Day - VoiceAdvent Word of the Day - MightyAdvent Word of the Day - CarryAdvent Word of the Day - NewsAdvent Word of the Day - ReleaseAdvent Word of the Day - ComfortAdvent Word of the Day - ProvideAdvent Word of the Day - Joy
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