Why Are You Anxious?

Jan 21, 2024    Pastor Don Long

I recently read this great quote from Henri Nouwen, “We have to replace the battle for power with the battle to create space for the Spirit.” The political season is ramping up all around us, and we see the actions of the vested interests already doing everything they can to either maintain or seize power. It’s interesting how these pursuits never bring out the best in us, but often drive us to the ugly dregs of our humanity. Likewise, my attempts to exert power and control in my own life–my will be done–rather than surrendering to God’s will, often lead me to the dark night of the soul. The illusion of control in life leads to anxiety when so much out of our control happens. I think that’s why Jesus asks, “can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” (Luke 12:25). We need to replace the battle for power with the battle for the Spirit. Or, another way of saying it, we need to stop worrying about what is out of our control, and make space for God to work in our lives. St. Vincent DePaul said, “He who is in a hurry delays the things of God.” It’s interesting how being in a hurry – a hurried mind, spirit, and will –delays God. The more I strive to quicken God’s pace, the more God’s grace quiets me by undoing what I will and want, making space for the Spirit.