Whom Will You Love?

Feb 4, 2024    Pastor Don Long

 Pablo Picasso once said, “All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. We don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it.” Likewise, I think we’re born empathetic, it’s part of our God nature, created in the image of God. The problem is to remain empathetic as we grow up. We don’t grow to be empathetic, we grow out of it (However, we can become more empathetic). I saw a video recently where several pairs of children were seated next to each other, and in their laps was placed a pair of plates – one on the bottom and the other upside down covering the first plate. The children were asked to remove the top plate revealing the contents of the plate below. One child had two halves of an apple, and the other child’s plate was empty. Nothing was said. Again and again, the child with two apples, upon discovering that the other child had nothing, would take one half of an apple and place it on the empty plate of the other child. Empathy is our capacity to see the world and the situation through the eyes and perspective of another person; to see other as us. “Do to others as you would have them do to you,” Jesus said. What he’s talking about, in my estimation, is having empathy – that is, seeing the other as you want to be seen.