Life to the Full

Mar 17, 2024    Pastor Don Long

I’m a “Gen-Xer.” There are lots of labels for various generations. I grew up learning about the “GI Generation” and “Baby Boomers,” just to name a few. My generation is usually defined as those born between 1965 -1980. I watched a video that said Gen-Xers are the last “crop of people who know what it’s like to live in a pre-internet world.” The video went on to say we had to go out of our way and exude a lot of energy to entertain ourselves. Fast forward to kids now, and more energy is spent to NOT be distracted. You have to work hard to find stillness and experience quiet. This has me thinking about fullness. What does it mean to live life to the fullest. Is it a life filled up? Filled up with what? How do we spend our energy? Jesus talks about the fullness of life amid a figure of speech about sheep and shepherds, sheep-gates and gatekeepers. It’s a complex analogy because you think Jesus would be the shepherd, and he is, but he also describes himself as the sheep-gate, and then again, the shepherd. In the middle of all of it he says, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Some translations say, “in the full.” What is Jesus trying to say about the fullness of life as it relates to sheep, shepherds and gates? Well, let's walk in the pasture together this Sunday and see what we can learn.