Serve In the Community

We work closely connecting with the community of O'Fallon and surrounding areas. Find out how you can make a difference.

Expectant mothers that are experiencing homelessness have long stemming trauma that can only be addressed once their basic needs are first met.

From the onset, Journey of Hope intends to meet women where they are and provide them with shelter, clothing, and food.

 For more information go to their website or contact Emily George at
 Jatha’s Babies is an outreach ministry that provides dolls and/or stuffed pets for people with dementia and Alzheimer's. Doll therapy has been shown to significantly reduce the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia as well as caregiver distress.

This ministry began at First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia in honor of Mike Day’s nephew’s wife, Jatha (pronounced Jay -Tha), who ran the church’s nursery for 30 years with her husband, but was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 50.

The We Care Committee will be leading this ministry and we’d love for you to get involved.  The best way to help now is by making a monetary donation. Feel free to put an offering in the collection plate with a specific note for Jatha’s Babies or drop off money or a check to the church office. We Care will coordinate with local nursing homes and care facilities to determine specific needs and purchase dolls or stuffed pets accordingly.

The O’Fallon Community Food Pantry distributes donated food items to needy residents with a 62269 zip code within O’Fallon and Shiloh, Illinois. The pantry is operated by volunteers and has served the community since 1992.
  • Can work as often or as little as they wish;
  • Need not commit to a regular work schedule;
  • Must be 18 or older;
  • Can volunteer to work desk greeting clients;
  • Help stock shelves or fill orders;
  • Assist with the shopping
Visit their website HERE
This is a program that partners area churches with the YMCA to insure that school children receive a nutritious meal each day in the summer.  Volunteers come together to help pack the meals and then go out into community neighborhoods to give children and their families healthy sack lunches.
Beacon Ministry is the churches of the community coming together to provide a beacon to those who have hit rough waters in their lives. Beacon attempts to break the chains of poverty by providing mentoring, life coaching, financial assistance, referrals to helping resources. Free furniture is also collected and distributed to those in need. Volunteers are needed for the Beacon call line which operates 10 am to 1 pm Monday through Thursday in Belleville. Help is needed with the pick up and/or delivery of furniture to families in need on an as needed basis. Contact Mike Stidham directly at Beacon to help with these needs at (618) 416-4538 . 
For over forty years, The Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois has been a leader in providing safety, shelter, support, and guidance to survivors of domestic violence.  They are partners with local law enforcement, legal agencies, and other community resources, such as our church and other area churches, which allows them to continue the fight for the rights of those dealing with domestic violence and create a society where everyone can have relationships in a safe and healthy manner.   If you would like to help make a donation see their wish list HERE.
Worship at the Colonnade Senior Living center, just down the street from the church, occurs every Sunday at 11:15 and it is lead by people from the church. If you would like to serve the people at the Colonnade during this worship time, please contact the church office at 618-632-2354 or email us at